It is very important that you inform your specialist doctor before taking any medications, home remedies or other things. Certain medications such as aspirin (Bafarin), ibuprofen (Advil) and warfarin (Coumadin) or other blood thinners can interfere with the lithotripsy process and breaking up your kidney stones.
Your doctor will definitely ask you to stop taking these medications before the kidney stone surgery. However, do not suddenly stop taking the medicines that have been prescribed to you by the doctor and discuss this issue with your doctor or doctors. Because the sudden and untimely discontinuation of some prescription drugs can lead to the deterioration of patients' health conditions.
Some patients undergo lithotripsy with local anesthesia, which numbs only a certain part of the body, however, most people undergo the surgery under general anesthesia, which means that they will be asleep during the procedure. . If you are going to perform the lithotripsy operation under complete anesthesia, the attending physician will ask you not to eat or drink anything for at least 6 hours before the operation.
If you are going to perform the lithotripsy operation under complete anesthesia, be sure to ask someone to take you home after the operation is over and you regain consciousness. General anesthesia can lead to loss of consciousness and dizziness for some time after the operation, so it is better to avoid driving during this time.