TUL - intra-organ stone crusher
The stone is of any size, if it is not removed after 4 weeks, it needs to be operated. If the person has severe pain or has a single kidney or has an infection, TUL intra-organ stone crushing is necessary.
In which stones can intra-organ stone crushing or TUL be performed?
Intra-organ stone crushing or TUL in stones ureter The lower and middle ones are more successful and it is about 80-95%, which depends on the skill of the surgeon.
At Ureter stones Above, this percentage is less, but my method is by placing a device behind the stone that prevents the stone from jumping inside Kidney takes, is The stone is completely crushed and its pieces are removed.
The length of intra-organ stone crushing or TUL takes from 5 minutes to 40 minutes depending on the skill of the surgeon. Patient after intra-organ lithotripsy or TUL He is discharged within 5-6 hours after being fully conscious and with a prescription, and he can continue his usual activities from the day after the operation.
Intra-abdominal lithotripsy using a flexible RIRS ureteroscope
In this method, which is the newest and most advanced stone crushing technique, using Ureteroscope Flexible can be done.
In which patients is intra-organ stone crushing performed using a flexible RIRS ureteroscope?
In patients with stones in the lower part Kidney is located and its dimensions are less than 2 cm, this method is desirable. Also, this procedure is useful in pregnant women and people who take anticoagulant drugs and it is not possible to stop these drugs.
The method of intra-organ stone crushing using RIRS flexible ureteroscope
This operation uses a tube endoscopy Very thin and flexible by Kidney and urinary tract specialist It is done and it can be seen inside the kidney and all its cavities. The whole kidney is seen and stones are found, and using a laser, the stone is cut into small pieces and removed using a basket.
Complications of intra-organ lithotripsy using RIRS flexible ureteroscope
Than TUL It is more and the duration of the operation is about half an hour to an hour.
After the operation, the patient is discharged in the evening and does his usual activities from the next day.
Laparoscopic kidney stone surgery
laparoscopy It has made it possible to perform major surgeries without using large incisions. The advantages of this operation are less pain, faster recovery, better vision, more accuracy and less hospitalization.
This procedure is performed using three tiny holes that do not leave any pain in the skin after the procedure.
In which cases of kidney stones can laparoscopic surgery be performed?
1- In large ureter stones that are more than 2 cm and the possibility of intra-organ stone crushing or TUL Do not have laparoscopy It is doable.
2- If the kidney has a congenital abnormality, such that it rotates or is not in its normal place, such as Horseshoe kidney In these cases, even the surgery can be done with difficulty, it can be done using laparoscopy.
3- In cases where there is a need for another simultaneous operation on the kidney, such as when the connection between the ureter and the pelvis is narrow, laparoscopy is ideal.
Laparoscopy procedure
Under general anesthesia, first after inserting the umbilical camera and injecting sterile gas and separating the intestines from the abdominal wall, the subsequent trocars are inserted and surgical instruments are inserted through them, and the laparoscopic operation is performed with TV vision.
the length Laparoscopy operation It varies according to the type of operation, but it can vary from one hour to three hours.
Instructions after laparoscopy
The person should eat a normal diet in the afternoon of the operation day. The patient's pain is less compared to normal surgeries and he can start his daily activities the day after the operation.