Crusher section
The stone crushing department is open every day except holidays. Reception starts from 7 am to 13 pm and stone crushing is done in the morning and evening.
The entrance of the stone crusher is 100 and the entrances of the stone crusher department are 503 and 207.
This section is carried out with the latest equipment and stone crusher technicians under the supervision of the technical officer.
For stone crushing, the following steps must be done.
1. Obtaining the identity card and acceptance number from the information
2. Accepting the patient to training number and presenting the necessary documents on the ground floor of admission to stone crushing
3. Necessary documents (stone breaker order, insurance book, CT scan or sonography, birth certificate and national card of children under 18 years old and presence of father with photo ID card
4. Discontinuing aspirin tablets for 4 days before the stone crusher with the coordination of the relevant doctor
5. Discontinuing Warfarin, Flavix, Osvix tablets with the permission of the cardiologist for one week and obtaining a consultation letter from the cardiologist.
6. Taking ECG of patients over 40 years old (ground floor)
7. Receiving the file from the stone crusher and going to the doctor's room (ground floor) to take a history
8. Receive receipt from acceptance and go to the fund for payment
9. Handing over the receipt of payment to accepting the stone crusher and determining the time of stone crushing
10. No more than 30 people will be accepted daily